30 - 60 mins of Endurance Based Exercise 3x a Week Improved Gut Microbiome After 6 Weeks

Elemental Health And Nutrition15 Sep, 2021Health

Researchers have found that 30-60 mins of endurance-based exercise 3x/week improved the gut microbiome after 6 weeks.?????? Similarly, they found that the gut reverted to its previous state after 6 weeks of a sedentary lifestyle. Researchers have found that 30-60 mins of endurance-based exercise 3x/week improved the gut microbiome after 6 weeks.?????? Similarly, they found that the gut reverted to its previous state after 6 weeks of a sedentary lifestyle. Researchers have found that 30-60 mins of endurance-based exercise 3x/week improved the gut microbiome after 6 weeks.?????? Similarly, they found that the gut reverted to its previous state after 6 weeks of a sedentary lifestyle.

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