
Brad Morse05 Jul, 2024Health

Brad Morse is a senior healthcare executive and Turnaround Specialist. He has resuscitated five hospitals over 20+ years, delivering a combined $550M in financial gain, through service line expansion, and cost containment. He has a unique ability to turn his vision into reality, having established two residency programs and helping give better medical care to people all across Oklahoma.


Brad Morse05 Jul, 2024Health

Brad Morse is a senior healthcare executive and Turnaround Specialist. He has resuscitated five hospitals over 20+ years, delivering a combined $550M in financial gain, through service line expansion, and cost containment. He has a unique ability to turn his vision into reality, having established two residency programs and helping give better medical care to people all across Oklahoma.


Brad Morse05 Jul, 2024Health

Brad Morse is a senior healthcare executive and Turnaround Specialist. He has resuscitated five hospitals over 20+ years, delivering a combined $550M in financial gain, through service line expansion, and cost containment. He has a unique ability to turn his vision into reality, having established two residency programs and helping give better medical care to people all across Oklahoma.

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