Habb-E-Khas is used to strengthen all vital organs of the body like the liver, brain, heart, and mus

Cipzercare417 Apr, 2023Health

Habb-E-Khas is a compound Unani medicine. It may be used for male sexual debility and might improve vigor. It may be used to manage weakness after coitus and may help in regaining energy quickly. It can also give strength to all vital organs and make them healthy. It can also be used for muscular health and nerve tonic. Habb-E-Khas is very useful as a Cardio-brain tonic having a significant effect on the nervous system and male sexual power.

Cough Treat Syrup for viral infections like cold and flu.

Cipzercare405 Apr, 2023Health

Cough Treat Syrup is a Unani medicine. Cold and cough are common problems mainly with the changing weather. Coughing is natural reflux that protects your lungs. Coughing clears the harmful things hidden in the tubes of your lungs. While sometimes the cough gets better on its own, sometimes you may need to take medicine for the cough. If all coughs are not the same, then the medicine cannot be the same. If you have a cough with phlegm, then such cough syrup should be taken, which removes this phlegm from your lungs. If you are looking for medicine to relieve cough, tightness, or breathing problems, you can take cough treat syrup. Often cough and cold also cause sore throat problems. Consumption of cough treat syrup, which is rich in antibiotic properties, reduces the problem of sore throat. For your information, let us tell you that the use of this causes a coating of the throat. It is a unique medicine to thin out the mucus accumulated in the chest.

Jawahar-e-Khusia increases sperm count, motility and also improves semen quality.

Cipzercare430 Mar, 2023Health

Jawahar-e-Khusia increases sperm count, removes male weakness, cures premature ejaculation, increases male hormone testosterone, and thickens semen. It improves male fertility and potency. Jawahar-E-Khusia increases the quality of semen and with the help of this; the problem of the thinness of semen is removed. It removes the problems caused by the thinness of semen, such as loss of semen, and having sleep defects. It removes semen disorders and gets rid of problems like premature ejaculation. It improves the quality of semen by increasing its motility and mobility. So that the problem like male infertility is removed. It removes semen disorders and helps childless men to get children. Its use improves the level of the male hormone testosterone. It is mainly a sedative, nutritious and powerful medicine. By using it, the problems of infertility can be got rid of to a great extent. It increases power stamina.

Boost Sperm Capsule is a formulation to increase stronger sperm motility.

Cipzercare427 Mar, 2023Health

Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule is the best capsule to enhance the sex drive of the male. It increases sperm in men. The unique ingredients of the Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsules are beneficial in male infertility. Male infertility is a situation when men are unable to pregnant fertile women. If not treated, one can never become a father. The main reason behind this is the low sperm count. You need treatment to increase the sperm if you want to become a father in the future. Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule is for the same reason.

Baby Capsule is formulated with natural herbs for the treatment of male and female infertility.

Cipzercare419 Mar, 2023Health

The main symptom of infertility in women is the inability to get pregnant. This problem can be corrected with time and treatment. But you shouldn't delay treatment for infertility. Baby Capsule gives strength to the nerves and reproductive organs and is capable of removing premature ejaculation, and impotence in both men and women. It generally works like natural hormones to trigger ovulation. They're also used in women who try to stimulate better sex. This capsule helps substantially with the libido, but they have many other benefits as well, including an increase in testosterone production, increased sexual wellness, and better performance in the bedroom. this capsule is even able to help to treat symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Spirulina capsule prevents cancer and increases good cholesterol.

Cipzercare403 Mar, 2023Health

Spirulina capsule helps in controlling blood sugar. It is considered very beneficial for diabetic patients. This helps to control blood pressure and remove the problem of inflammation. It is rich in a range of vitamins and minerals needed to maintain a healthy immune system, such as vitamins E, C, and B6. It also increases the production of white blood cells and antibodies that fight viruses and bacteria in your body. Spirulina capsule clears skin tone and keeps you young for longer. It also removes the problem of dark circles under the eyes. Spirulina Capsule helps in lowering bad cholesterol. Due to this, the blood pressure remains under control and the heart also remains healthy.

Garlic Softgel Capsules help in proper digestion & enhance immunity.

Cipzercare401 Mar, 2023Health

Garlic Softgel Capsules are primarily used for the treatment of nutritional deficiencies. It helps reduce the risk of heart disease. It contains a variety of compounds, mainly sulfur, which reduce high blood pressure and protect against heart disease. At the same time, they reduce the level of bad cholesterol and increase the amount of good cholesterol. It has antifungal properties, which prevent the growth of fungal-causing bacteria. It helps in controlling high blood pressure and the hardening of the arteries. It is also useful in treating prostate, colon, and rectal cancer. It increases the secretion of gastric juice which helps in proper digestion. It boosts immunity and improves overall health naturally. Due to its carminative action, it helps in expelling gas from the intestine.

Noni Capsule is used for colds, flu, diabetes, anxiety, high blood pressure, depression & anxiety.

Cipzercare423 Feb, 2023Health

Noni Capsule is a Herbal medicine that can be specially used for a person who has any problem related to Arthritis, Diabetes, and blood pressure. If a person has a terrible disease or tumor, then he can also use it. If a person is suffering from joint pain for a very long time, then he can also use it. Women who have irregular menstruation or sterility problem, and then they can also use Noni Capsules. If a person is troubled by the problem of depression or migraine, then it can be used. If any person has skin diseases, acne, or any kind of allergy, then definitely use it. If someone has a cold and asthma, then that person can use it. If a person is troubled by impotence due for any reason, then he can use it. If you use it, you will see the difference very quickly. Noni capsule contains ß-sitosterol and carotene which can enhance skin and hair health. Noni Capsule has natural antioxidant properties to help your body fight off free radicals.

Best Brain Capsule enhances the ability to remember and learn.

Cipzercare419 Feb, 2023Health

Consumption of Best Brain Capsule helps in improving memory deficit, Alzheimer's, thinking ability, behavioral efficiency, etc. We all have a special part of our brain called the hippocampus. This part controls the ability of a human to remember and learn. Consumption of Best Brain Capsule helps in stimulating this part of the person. Apart from this, it repairs the damaged brain cells and tissues, due to which the memory of the person remains lasting for a long time. Best Brain Capsule is very beneficial in enhancing memory. Taking Best Brain Capsule before sleeping at night removes mental stress and makes your mind sharp. This is a panacea for sharpening the mind.

Araq-e-mako is used for the diseases of the stomach, intestine, liver, spleen & jaundice.

Cipzercare413 Feb, 2023Health

Araq-e-mako is a classical Unani medicine. If we talk about the benefits of Araq-e-mako, then it removes any kind of inflammation. It removes the inflammation of the liver and inflammation of the intestines. It increases appetite. It works wonderfully in liver diseases. Apart from this, it is used in diseases like swelling of feet, obesity or lack of urine, blood pressure, hiccups, or asthma. It is cool in effect. By using it, a problem like indigestion is removed. It cures enlarged spleen. It is especially used when there is jaundice. It is very beneficial in removing swelling of feet, and problems of urination.

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