Is SIBO the Cause of your Irritable bowel?

Goldcoast0709 Oct, 2023Health

SIBO means Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth which is one of the factors that causes irritable bowel. This is because of the overgrowth of those bacteria in the small intestine which reduces the function and also damages the healthy structure of the intestine. The small intestine is helpful in regulating the immune system and also it functions in the absorption of nutrients.

Effects of Dairy Intolerances among the People

Goldcoast0711 Sep, 2023Health

In Food intolerance testing almost 80% of people has dairy intolerance. It is not good to remove any food permanently from a patient's diet. If you suspect any food that affects your gut kindly undergo a food intolerance or allergy test in the certified laboratory.

Prebiotic foods to increase your good bacteria

Goldcoast0712 Aug, 2023Health

The food that gives you healthy gut by increasing the number of the gut microbiota in your body is called prebiotic foods. Chicory Root, Artichokes, Apple, Banana, Leeks etc., are some of the prebiotic rich foods. Consuming these foods regularly in your diet helps you to get very good gut health. Someone can’t feel well when they take fibre rich foods regularly; consulting a professional health analyser helps them to get the solution before it leads to bacterial deficiency in digestive tracts.

Why is Digestive Health so Important?

Goldcoast0726 Jul, 2023Health

To lead a healthy life, good digestive health is important. But nowadays people are aware of digestion problems & they may experience various digestion symptoms like pain, gas, diarrhea, constipation & many more. The reasons for digestion problems are overwork, financial stress, immune challenges & etc. At Gold Coast Digestive Health, after diagnosis we provide the best treatment to recover.

What tests does the clinic conduct for digestive disorders?

Goldcoast0723 Jun, 2023Health

When you suffer from digestive disorders, what tests do we need at the clinic? At Gold Coast Digestive Health, we offer various tests including microscope screening to identify damages in blood cells and immune function, detect food allergies, Zyto body technology for chronic digestive disorders, and cellular health analysis technology for monitoring patients after surgery, and urinary indicant test to determine the level of dysbiosis in the digestive tract. By utilizing these technologies, our naturopath can identify the exact reasons for the issues and work towards recovering patients as soon as possible.

Looking for Best Digestive Consultations Service Provider in Gold Coast

Goldcoast0727 May, 2023Health

Are you looking for the best digestive consultations service provider in Gold Coast? At Gold Coast, we offer top-quality digestive consultations, including initial and integrative consultations for patients. During the initial consultation, we gather information about your current health history and discuss a treatment plan. In the integrative consultation, if you desire, we can also request diagnostic testing results from your current general practitioner.

Digestive Health Testing

Goldcoast0720 Apr, 2023Health

The CDSA test is a non invasive functional pathology test which provides valuable information to the practitioner about your digestive health. CDSA testing screens for pathogens such as bacteria, parasites and yeasts and as well as assessing other components of digestion such as absorption, intestinal function and microbial flora. Secretory Immunoglobulin A (sIgA) is found in saliva, gastric fluids, plasma and the mucous membranes of the body. It provides the main immunological defence of mucosal surfaces against pathogenic invasion.

What Is Naturopathy and How Does It Work

Goldcoast0724 Aug, 2022Health

Naturopathic practitioners are called naturopaths. These doctors practice a variety of natural and holistic treatments. Naturopaths take a holistic approach to treatment, treating the body, and mind as a whole. They believe that, given the right conditions, the body can heal itself. Before you begin any new treatment, make sure to consult your doctor. Naturopathic doctors are trained to recognize the interrelationships between different illnesses, and can treat underlying causes and symptoms.

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