Exome analysis

Kiko29 May, 2024Health

A service provider for the whole exome data analysis, CD Genomics uses bioinformatics to deeply mine the genetic information in the coding region based on the whole exome sequencing data. Our unique skills in data analysis can meet customers' personalized data analysis needs and provide you with comprehensive data analysis results.

Variant detection genome

Kiko29 May, 2024Health

A variant detection and analysis service provider, CD Genomics uses bioinformatics to help you explore the genetic variation and decipher the essence of life. Our unique skills in data analysis can meet customers' personalized data analysis needs and provide you with comprehensive data analysis.

UMI small RNA sequencing

Kiko29 May, 2024Health

UMI small RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) is a unique molecular identifier (UMI)-based technology for accurate qualitative and quantitative analysis of multiple small RNAs in cells. PCR amplification bias can be removed by adding UMI into each cDNA segment, achieving accurate and unbiased quantification. UMI small RNA-seq can accurately identify SNP, quantify low-abundance transcripts, and reveal comprehensive transcriptome information. We provide UMI small RNA-seq to help you analyze microRNA (miRNA), small interfering RNA (siRNA), piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) at one time.

Poly a rna sequencing

Kiko29 May, 2024Health

Poly(A) RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) is a next-generation sequencing-based method to comprehensively analyze RNAs with poly(A) tails such as message RNAs (mRNAs) and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). This technique accurately reveals the level of gene expression in your biological sample under specific conditions and generates a complete picture of the transcriptome for the identification of novel alternative splicing, transcripts, gene fusion events, etc.

Rapid microbial identification

Kiko29 May, 2024Health

Our excellent microbial identification platform (including Rep-PCR, MicroSEQ®, NGS-based microbial identification, multi-locus sequence typing, and mycoplasma detection) aims to identify microbial species efficiently and economically in a fast high-throughput, and simple manner. We deliver high-accuracy and high-sensitivity data to help your microbial and laboratory research.

Metatranscriptome analysis

Kiko29 May, 2024Health

Our Metranscriptomics platform elucidates three aspects of a microbial community, including gene activity diversity, gene expression abundance, and differential gene expression analysis by utilizing the most advanced next and third generation sequencing technologies and integrated bioinformatics analysis. The gene expression analysis can tell which genes exhibit the highest change in expression levels in different conditions to identify potential biomarkers and expression signatures.

16s rrna pcr

Kiko29 May, 2024Health

Our microbial diversity analysis platform based on 16S/18S/ITS amplicon sequencing aims to characterize microbial diversity efficiently and economically by utilizing the next/third generation sequencing technology and other molecular technologies. Our scientists utilize this platform to assist our customers for meeting both scientific and regulatory requirements.

M6A sequencing

Kiko29 May, 2024Health

CD Genomics offers the transcriptome-wide analysis of the location of m6A in mRNA transcripts and other RNAs by methylated RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (MeRIP-seq). MeRIP-seq uses an antibody that specifically detects and characterizes of N6-methyladenosine (m6A) in RNA. As 3'UTR of mRNA plays important role in mRNA stability, localization, and translation, and may affect the binding of RNA-regulatory proteins to these regions, enrichment of m6A in this region indicates that m6A may affect RNA metabolism and gene expression. Inhibition of the enzymes that involve in the RNA methylation has also provided clues to the potential biological roles of this modification. Hence, the identification and characterization of modified bases in RNA may lead to a better understanding of biological pathways.

ChIP-Seq data analysis

Kiko29 May, 2024Health

ChIP-Seq (chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing), which refers to the binding site analysis, is a way to analyze DNA-protein interactions. The technique combines chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) with NGS to identify where the DNA binds to the associated proteins. It can be used to pinpoint the binding sites of any interested protein throughout the genome. ChIP-seq is often used to determine how transcription factors and other chromatin-related proteins affect phenotypic mechanisms.

Bacterial genome assembly

Kiko12 Apr, 2024Health

CD Genomics provides bacterial de novo sequencing data analysis. Using bioinformatics to explore the whole genome sequence map of bacteria in one step, our unique data analysis skills and advanced software tools can meet our customers' personalized data analysis needs and provide you with easy-to-interpret data analysis reports.

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