What makes diamonds so expensive?

Niharikamathur7120 Jan, 2023Finance

Undoubtedly, a diamond is quite an expensive gem in jewellery making. Its price is set so high in some countries that people belonging to the upper class can only afford to have the gems for themselves. As for other countries, either the diamonds are within the rich of the upper middle class or the upper richer section of the economic pyramid. Although there are a lot of myths surrounding the increasing price of a retail and wholesale diamond, the reality of their high valuation is completely different.

Coloured Diamonds: Everything You Need to Know About Them!

Niharikamathur7120 Jan, 2023Fashion

Diamonds are perhaps the most captivating stones used in jewellery, appreciated for their radiance and coveted for their exclusivity. With strong global demand for diamonds, it is no wonder why most jewellery pieces comprise diamonds to enhance the overall beauty of the piece. However, if you believe diamonds are uncommon, you might definitely not believe in coloured diamonds. Right? Well, as per the stats, the odds of discovering a coloured diamond are limited, with just one coloured diamond out of every 100,000 mined. And that figure does not even begin to reflect the exceedingly uncommon colours seen in diamonds.

5 Best Jewellery Pieces To Wear At Office

Niharikamathur7120 Jan, 2023Fashion

As the pandemic continues to simmer, we are returning to our busy office lives and desks. The transition from comfortable pyjamas to formal pants is equivalent to leaving your comfort zone for good. However, these months we also ditched our office-wear jewellery and clothes. Now that everything is returning to normal, so should our clothes and accessories. Workwear jewellery gives a little edge, and classic chic looks professional while adding an extra touch to your bold style. Even though you can't overdo your office accessories, you can keep the whole look classy with minimal effort.

What Are The Brilliant Cut Diamonds?

Niharikamathur7120 Jan, 2023Finance

The Brilliant Cut Diamonds has awed and wooed men and women around the globe since it was first discovered. Its dazzling sparkle has charmed dignitaries, A-list actresses, music moguls, and fashionistas. As quiet as it's kept, the Brilliant Cut Diamond is probably the most preferred engagement ring for astute diamond buyers. The one thing that has miffed many in the diamond trade and consumers alike is the mysterious diamond cut. If you are familiar with the 4 C's of Diamonds; Colour, Cut, Clarity, and Carat weight. If you buy diamonds often or are a diamond trader, you know how inconsistent diamond cutting can be. Of the 4 C's, the cut is the most challenging and complex to decipher.

What do the terms CTW and CTTW mean?

Niharikamathur7119 Jan, 2023Fashion

While considering a diamond, a carat is one of the most important factors that define its value, both ascetics and monetary, in the market. Every diamond you see has a fixed carat value, like 2 carats, 3 carats, 8 carats, and so on. Where do you buy a retail or wholesale diamond? Since this carat value is crucial for calculating the market price, demand and supply chain, and the purpose of jewellery making. Usually, the carat of a diamond is defined by a term known as Carat Total Weight or CTW and CT TW. These two terms are synonymous with each other and represent the same thing: the total weight of all diamonds used in jewellery making. If we consider only carat weight or CT, it would have represented the weight of a particular or single diamond in loose form.

Learn How to Protect Your Jewellery in the Summer

Niharikamathur7119 Jan, 2023Fashion

It is essential to protect your jewellery all year long; however, summers are the times of the year when you need to take extra care of your jewellery. Jewellery tarnishes faster in the summer months. You indulge in many fun and refreshing activities during summers to escape from the scalding sun; near the beach, going on vacations, picnics, and whatnot. Moreover, going out without perfect jewellery that goes well with the outfit is not formidable. That is when the jewellery goes through wear and tear, scratching, fading, or staining. Jewellery protection is a must to see that it lasts long from the damaging effects of chemicals in sunscreen, lotions, and salty water.

How to Find the Right Gemstone?

Niharikamathur7119 Jan, 2023Fashion

Jewelry has always been one of the greatest gifts to give or receive. They can suit every occasion, from birthdays to anniversaries, you can be sure the receiver will enjoy what you have given them. Ladies love to receive jewelry, from rings to necklaces, jewelry has always been perceived as a very personal gift; usually to show some affection towards the other person.

What are gem therapy and its advantages?

Niharikamathur7119 Jan, 2023Fashion

Gem therapy is a natural way to look after your body using minerals and crystals. It is an ancestral technique for relieving pain, harmonizing, and balancing the mind, reducing stress, and self–healing. Many consider this technique alternative energy medicine because it is simple, effective, and widely available. This therapy's practitioners believe that gemstones contain certain vibrations that, when placed within a person's aura, have the effect of changing it. Let's look at the benefits of gemstones.

Different Types of Precious Gemstones

Niharikamathur7116 Jan, 2023Fashion

While going through history, gemstones have also played a vital role in rituals and myths. Different stones have their unique color and meaning. They have their power, birthplace and importance in one’s life. Several gemstones have been discovered in history, while some have been introduced to the world by archaeologists in the last few years. There are 4 main precious stones in the world, rest others are classified as semi precious stones. In this blog, we will discuss the 4 precious stones and their significance i.e Diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald.

Tips to Buy Diamond Engagement Ring For Your Wedding

Niharikamathur7116 Jan, 2023Fashion

Diamond engagement rings are more than simply a piece of jewelry; they are also a representation of unity, love, dedication, and other positive emotions. They are therefore the best means of expressing your love. There are many options available for diamond engagement rings, and you can choose one that best suits your loved one's preferences and style. Although you can always learn more about diamond engagement rings and browse internet shops, the challenge lies in choosing the appropriate one. There are numerous internet retailers from where you can quickly find all the newest and popular diamond ring styles. In addition, these stores' pricing are significantly lower than those of nearby shops. But make sure you are sure of what you want before adding these rings to your cart.

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