Product Information Management | Best PIM Software

Pkumar8525 Jan, 2021Technology

We offer the best product information management(PIM) software/system. Get product content in front of your customers faster using product catalog management software. For many brands and online retailers, product data is fragmented across different formats and systems. Transforming this constantly changing data into meaningful product information is challenging at scale. Unbxd Product Information Management (PIM) offers a centralized, single source of truth for all product data in simple and intuitive user experience. eCommerce product teams can leverage the combined power of AI, DAM, and automation to publish large volumes of product content efficiently.

How AI-powered Search Helps To Search Instantly?

Pkumar8528 Dec, 2020Technology

In this article, we will talk about AI-powered search engines and how it promotes instant search.  Basically what AI-Powered Search techniques do is, analyze all the available data sources and extract the most relevant information for certain queries. The ideal site search engine is one that only presents appropriate information that fully complies with queries. This is why most leading search engines started implementing AI algorithms in their search practices. With no doubt, Artificial Intelligence is breaking into all areas, be it business, studies, eCommerce, or any other vertical. 

Magento Search Extension & Discovery For eCommerce by Unbxd

Pkumar8516 Dec, 2020Technology

Looking to improve your Magento Search experience? Empower your Magento Search & drive more conversions with the help of Unbxd's Magento Search extension. With Unbxd Magento Search Extension being available on the marketplace, Magento has added AI capabilities for eCommerce stores built on its platform. Unbxd and Magento together create engaging shopping experiences across flexible purchase journeys. Together, they are going to become leaders in digital commerce.

Best Ecommerce Search tool for your business

Pkumar8514 Dec, 2020Technology

Unbxd is a leading e-commerce search and product discovery platform that helps connect shoppers to the products they are most likely to buy while providing predictive actionable insights for merchandising. we have developed a product that makes the experience of finding products on e-commerce websites a pleasant one through intelligent site search, personalized product recommendations, and real-time merchandising insights.

Best AI-Powered Site Search Solutions for Ecommerce

Pkumar8504 Dec, 2020Technology

If your website needs powerful AI-powered site search solutions you're likely worrying about the exhausting task of researching, comparing, testing, and ultimately choosing the best AI-powered site search solution.  Here is how to choose the right site search tool and the best site search platforms available.

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