Spirit Whale Watching23 Mar, 2022Travel

Migaloo is Australia’s most well-known humpback whale. When he was first sighted he was the only known all-white whale in the world. As he migrates up the east coast of Australia from Antarctica to the warmer waters of Tropical North Queensland his distinctive all-white coloring allows people to report sightings. Sightings of Migaloo provide valuable insight into the migratory behavior of humpback whales along the east coast of Australia.

Gold Coast Whale Season 2022

Spirit Whale Watching23 Mar, 2022Travel

It’s finally whale watching season, Be spellbound as they perform some of the most amazing acrobatic displays that only Mother Nature could choreograph. Spirit of Gold Coast Whale Watching is building awareness of Mother Nature and the Humpback whales with professional and detailed commentaries, booklets and online posts.

Eco-Friendly Whale Plush Toy- Spirit of Gold Coast Whale Watching

Spirit Whale Watching23 Mar, 2022Travel

Spirit’s unique plush products are certified eco-friendly, using 100% recycled material on each toy. Spirit Whale Watching tours Gold Coast will leave you with a deep respect and love for these majestic creatures. Spirit of Gold Coast is proud to partner with a supplier – C.A. Australia – who have received Global Recycling Standard (GRS) certification for their products.

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